Saint of the Day: Blessed Anne of Saint Bartholomew

By  / 06/07/2017
Winchester, VA - Born in Spain in 1549, Ann was orphaned at ten by a brutal Spanish plague. She was graced from youth with an extraordinary...
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Denver Archdiocese Returns to the Traditional Sacramental Schedule

By  / 06/07/2017
Winchester, VA -  The National Catholic Register reports that Archbishop Samuel Aquila has announced that in his archdiocese, the order of Sacramental reception will return to...
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Worst Client Building Strategy EVER.

By  / 06/06/2017
Winchester, VA - And lastly in Celestial Musings, when I heard years ago that Toys R Us was donating to Planned Parenthood, my first reaction was,...
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Principal Fired for Defending Others’ Free Speech When the Police Wouldn’t

By  / 06/06/2017
Winchester, VA - The Daily Caller is reporting on the firing of Nicholas Dean, principal of the Cresent Leadership Academy, a school for at risk, mostly...
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100,000 Children Are Trapped In Western Mosul Under ISIS

By  / 06/06/2017
Winchester, VA - The offensive of the Iraqi army, backed by the U.S.-led coalition, to take back Mosul from the hands of ISIS and defeat the...
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The Maternal Left Hip Phenomenon Explained!

By  / 06/06/2017
Winchester, VA - In this Celestial Musings, I think we are wonderfully designed! Did you know that when women hold their babies, they tend to hold...
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No Tolerance for Terror in Kirkcudbright!

By  / 06/06/2017
Winchester, VA - Milo Yiannopoulis tells the story on his blog of Hamza Siddiq, a Scottish-born Muslim convert from Christianity and street preacher. Mr. Siddiq, after...
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Muslim Good Samaritans Aiding Persecuted Christians

By  / 06/06/2017
Winchester, VA - Two stories appeared yesterday of Muslims helping victims of Christian persecution-by Muslims. Church Militant reports on Noor Lucman, a resident of Marawi City...
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Saint of the Day: Saint Norbert

By  / 06/06/2017
Winchester, VA - A native of the Rhineland, young Saint Norbert was anything BUT saintly, even entering the religious life for worldly reasons, but Jesus had...
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Mayor Sadiq Khan: Dump Trump!

By  / 06/06/2017
Winchester, VA - The dust continues to settle in the aftermath of the terror attack on London Bridge Saturday which claimed the lives of 7 people...
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London: Bringing Good Out of Evil

By  / 06/05/2017
Winchester, VA - Saturday night's terror attack in London in which 3 terrorists plowed over pedestrians on London bridge and stabbed dozens at the Borough Market...
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Rhode Island: Forbidding Homosexual Children to Explore Heterosexuality

By  / 06/05/2017
Winchester, VA - Lastly, in Celestial Musings, the forces of diversity have struck again, this time in Rhode Island, where, as reported by LifeSite News via...
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Rest In Peace, Bishop David Choby

By  / 06/05/2017
Winchester, VA - WKRN reports that the Catholic Diocese of Nashville sadly lost its beloved shepherd, Bishop David Choby, Saturday night. A native of Nashville, Bishop...
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Illinois: Putting Ideology Before Child Welfare

By  / 06/05/2017
Winchester, VA - The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services has been hijacked by the LGBTQ Warriors. Mary Hasson reported in The Federalist on new...
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Tranimals? God help us!

By  / 06/05/2017
Winchester, VA -  In this Celestial Musings, we used to have transvestites, and transsexuals, and now we have tranimals. Florentin Felix Morin, a Ph.D. student...
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