Wisdom Wednesday

Wisdom Wednesday- You Keep Using The Word Hatred. I Don’t Think It Means What You Think It Does

today06/07/2023 65

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Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Host of ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel.

  • The British set up the House of Samud because of Saudi oil.
  • We filled in that void after WWII.
  • We have been the bad guys across the middle East.
  • What is happening right now in Britain? 
  • They are basically being colonized by the Muslims.
  • You wouldn’t recognize the place any longer.
  • CIA and the United States – David Wemhoff
  • If they have developed a relationship now, the PGA and LIV, they have been folded under the corporation of America at this point.
  • Unnatural lust is spiritually deadly and to love such a person is to will him to confess his sins and to get out of that life and to be brought into or restored into sanctifying grace.
  • Sacrilege and Blasphemy – 
  • Artist Eric Gill – he kept going to confession but kept going back to his sinful ways. 
  • The difference b/w Fr James Martin and Eric Gill is Gill never said this was a good, he called it a sin and evil.
  • He died in union w/ the Catholic faith. 
  • The people that organized this lied.
  • Pride Mass – Feast of Corpus Christi (Presider Fr Doug Boud, w/ Deacons Herb Riley & Keith Kondrich
  • One of the symptoms of a male sodomite is vindictiveness, pettiness, and mendacity.
  • What they do is a lie, what they do is essentially a lie and contrary to nature and what God created us for. 
  • It is appropriate they are branded as liars.
  • Hatred is a very powerful word, you probably don’t hate them you just dislike them.
  • What does hate really mean?
  • You have to give distinctions in order to properly understand.
  • Calling it all hate when you oppose an agenda that wants to mutilate children – 
  • Psalm 138 – Have I not hated your enemies Oh Lord.
  • Two things his nature and his guilt.
  • Nature from God has a capacity for happiness.
  • Luke 12:36 
  • Christian Love and Charity – hating what is evil and loving what is good.
  • Love of concupiscence – I love you b/c you make me feel good but drop you when you stop making me feel good.
  • Fr James Martin sees everything through the LGBTQ lens.
  • The White Fathers – wore white habits and worked in Africa – the king of Buganda had cultivated a taste for a vice that wasn’t popular in Africa and he learned it from Europeans. 
  • Some of the boys he held court w/ were very young boys. 
  • When the young men refused, he killed them in a horrible manner.

HEADLINE: Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions (1886-1887) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

  • These were twenty-two young men and boys, from thirteen to thirty years in age, who were martyred for the Catholic Faith in Uganda in Africa after undergoing cruel torments. Four had not yet received the sacrament of Baptism but these were baptized by Charles Lwanga after they were arrested. They were the first martyrs among the African negroes. They were canonized in 1964.
  • These martyrs were victims of a sodomite pagan king, concerning which readers are invited to consider Father George Rutler’s brief piece, “Ours has become a neo-pagan culture, and that can be even worse than a simple pagan culture.”
  • How do we know about Heaven?

Written by: Justin Redman