
496 Results / Page 54 of 56



Hey DeceptiCONS: I Thought It Was Terrifying To See 3 Year Olds Dressed In Kevlar?!

Mandeville, LA - Membah, membah the good ol' days when Michelle Malkin and the "conservative echo chamber" (CEC) bombarded us with pics of Islamic children holding guns or wearing combat fatigues as a sign of their utter barbarism and proof they were not civilized etc etc? What to make of 'Muricans now buying and dressing their tikettes in bullet-proof backpacks and sending them to school? Machine Gun 'Muricah is here, […]

today02/23/2018 555


CRISIS: When Priests Won’t Defend Catholic Dogma Why Should The Laity!?

Mandeville, LA - Mike preps the listeners today: I am late to the mic because I did NOT want to do this topic, but someone has to ask Father Longenecker if the Catholic faith the Church actually must teach is no longer teachable? Why? Plus, another Trans-N-abler’s™ outrage as Mike coins the term 18th trimester abortion to describe this ultimate, sinful affront to God that only Beazelbub himself could be […]

today02/22/2018 145


The Second Amendment Wouldn’t Have Prevented Parkland, Waterloo or Hoth

Mandeville, LA -Listening to the "conservative" echo-chamber, you'd think that making 'Muricah's public schools more closely resemble Stalag 13 is a one-size fits all solution to "school violence" anywhere in the universe, because inserting more guns is always a good idea (yeah, just look what it's done for Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Nigeria....)! Mike also interviews actress Janine Turner with some very surprising results. Brother André Marie makes his Wednesday appearance […]

today02/21/2018 89


“Liberalism” Gave Us Sodomite Olympians, What Kind of “Pride” Is That?!

Mandeville, LA - “We need to better understand how the Liberal Project was intended to correct Christianity.” - Ross Hunt. Oh yeah, what else did your precious 'Murican Liberalism bring? The Atomic Bomb! Sodomite Olympians!? It has produced wars and war-like behavior that “Christians” seem to love today. [purchase_link id="49411" style="button" color="green" text="Non-Member Download" direct="true"] Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:11 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call […]

today02/19/2018 99



Parkland FL Shooting: Demons Keep Coming For The Kids, When Will We Admit Our Problem Is Spiritual!?

Mandeville, LA - Mike's been saying for almost 2 years "[t]he demons are ascendent, they've come for the kids and they aren't taking 'no' for an answer." Now with the burials of another 17 victims, murdered in a public place and on a Sacred, Holy Day -Ash Wednesday, what is left to be said over the usual "talking points" of gun control, school "security" etc? A culture that legally sanctions […]

today02/15/2018 63


Our Ash Wednesday Prayer: To Be Condemned By Jesuit Heretics In Rome!

Mandeville, LA - Mike kicks off Lent, 2018, as only the CRUSADE Channel can with guests Peter Kwasniewski and Brother André Marie. You won't hear a more entertaining yet liturgically correct discussion on a solemn day, anywhere...EVER! Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 8:02  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on February 14, 2018 Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 8:04 Veritas et Sapientia-William Shatner Reminds Us Of The Cause of […]

today02/14/2018 2


If South Korea Can Host An Olympics They Can Play Stratego With North Koreans

Mandeville, LA - Its Fat Tuesday in New Orleans and the Mike Church Show has the last day before Lent covered (with TWO Catholic air raid warning sirens) with Traditional tips on fasting and mortification. Michael Hichborn of The LePanto Institute joins Mike for his weekly spot as well. [purchase_link id="49372" style="button" color="green" text="Non-Member Download" direct="true"] Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:10  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on […]

today02/13/2018 69


“Filthy” Convert: Why Justin Timberlake Should Convert To The Catholic Faith

Mandeville, LA - Free Phone Friday at its best! Lots of great calls, Debbie Schlussel's Movie Reviews and Mike's "crafty" plea for Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biehl to save the Free World by converting to Catholicism---PUBLICLY. Don't laugh, LISTEN! [purchase_link id="49360" style="button" color="green" text="Non-Member Download" direct="true"] Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:13  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on February 9, 2018 Call the show 844-5CRUSADE   6:16 […]

today02/09/2018 43


Welcome To The Atheist’s NWO Religion: catholicism And Its Leader Pope AI I

Mandeville, LA - Mike conducts a 4 hour lesson on the looming future to the complete rejection of God; the coronation of the machine kings and the "genocidal maniacs" scchming to do Satan's work and bring it all about...with an assist from Justin Timberlake! John horvat weighs i on the subject, don't miss this episode! [purchase_link id="49341" style="button" color="green" text="Non-Member Download" direct="true"] Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:10  Welcome […]

today02/08/2018 69