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1942 Results / Page 36 of 216



Parrott Talk- Carlin Is Right, This Is The Best We Can Do Folks.

The intelligence of the regime leaders are on full display. Biden refuses to take the cognitive test of his annual physical.  The White House is afraid this test would confirm what we already know about Biden.  Don't worry if Biden is deemed unfit, we have the word salad vice president ready to fill his shoes as chief idiot.  Mike Parrott does not stop with the top of the regime.  He […]

today02/14/2024 74 1

The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Obama and Biden Were Behind “Russia, Russia, Russia!”

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show  844-5CRUSADE   Did you miss yesterday's LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX - https://podcasts.crusadechannel.com   HEADLINE RUNDOWN 18m                         23m Barack Obama and Joe Biden - Russia, Russia, […]

today02/14/2024 185

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show Is It Immigration Or Is It An Invasion?

Two CRUSADE Channel hosts team up for a discussion about immigration.  When it comes to immigration, Fiorella Nash and Mike Parrott are on different ends of the spectrum.  They both have different perspectives about the people who want to enter the country.  Fiorella is an immigrant who became an English citizen, and Mike has first hand knowledge about the immigrants, so they bring their unique points of view to this […]

today02/13/2024 30


Parrott Talk-The Ruling Class Wants You To Forget What They Did To You

The ruling class wants you to forget how they treated you during the pandemic.  Especially if you were injured while taking their safe and effective vaccine. A Scottish gentleman confronted English Prime Minister Rishi Sunak about the neglect he and others face because of the vaccine injury.  In typical fashion, the Prime Minister did not accept responsibility for the actions of the government, while the crony at the town hall […]

today02/13/2024 97

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show-The Slippery Slope Of Convicting Parents For The Crimes Of Their Children

Jennifer Crumbly was convicted for the crimes of her son Ethan.  In 2021. Ethan went to his school and shot 4 people, and as the police investigated the incident they discovered Jennifer and her husband contributed to the murders.   Investigators said the Crumblys could have prevented the shooting by paying attention to the warning signs the teenager displayed and furthermore, they should not have bought the teen a gun.  Fiorella […]

today02/12/2024 34


Parrott Talk-The Regime Admits Bidenomics Shrinks Everything

The Regime Leader demands snack makers stop reducing the size of their products.  On Super Bowl Sunday, The Biden Regime release a strange video.  Biden is filmed inside a movie theater with a table of snacks and drinks next to him.  Biden describes Shrinkflation and why snack companies and drink companies need to stop it.  He claims that snack makers and drink companies are reducing the size of their products, […]

today02/12/2024 83


Parrott Talk- The Stark Difference Between The East And West Were Displayed In The Putin Interview.

The divide between the East and the West is greater than we know. Putin took control of Tucker's interview, not because he is an evil dictator, but because he is a master statesman.  His statesmanship was on full display as he revealed why he invaded Ukraine, and why the U.S. should be concerned with their own borders.  Mike Parrott breaks down the interview and gives you a master class on […]

today02/09/2024 114


Parrott Talk-The Mass Consumption Industrial Complex Is Poisoning Our Country

The Mass Consumption Industrial Complex poisons Americans with their highly processed food and diabetes water. They add ingredients that make their products addictive, so you the consumer can be fat, "happy" and stupid.  The Mass Consumption Industrial Complex are also best friends with Big Pharma.  So the longer you are addicted to soda, the more likely you will need Big Pharma to save  your life from diabetes and other auto […]

today02/09/2024 66

The Mike Church Show

The Embarrassing Death Of Ethics And Journalism At The Boston Herald

SPECIAL GUEST C. Joseph Doyle Catholic Action League  HEADLINE: A Boston Globe columnist crossed journalistic lines. Should the Globe still have run his story? by Tom Jones Last July, Cullen was reporting on Bluestein while she was meeting with the doctor who was going to help her end her life. The doctor explained that Vermont law required Bluestein to get signatures from two people who would say she was in […]

today02/07/2024 179