198 Results / Page 21 of 22



What Is A “Wage” & Why Do We Spend Our Lives Trying To Increase It – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La - Have you ever wondered if the whole paradigm of "profit/loss/wages/wealth/5th, 80inch flat-panel TV: may be of diabolical creation-designed to frustrate and keep from Grace, 98% of the population that pursues these "goals" as if they brought about the only "heaven" you'll ever see? Then you'll benefit from listening to this episode of the Mike Church Show. PLUS Michael Hichborn of The LePanto Institute breaks some big news […]

today05/01/2018 70


Winchester, VA - In this Celestial Musings, the Huffington Post reported on a “chilling study” which claims that religious theologies which do not affirm queer identities are directly tied to higher rates of suicide in LGBTQ populations. On the flipside, religion was shown to be a protective factor against suicide for heterosexual populations. As other studies have reflected, there was much more suicidal tendency in younger populations than in older. The […]

today04/19/2018 23


MCS 01/24/18 Show

    Time  Red Pill Topic & related stuff  6:14 Welcome on this Wisdom Wednesday 6:17 HEADLINE: LGBT ministry at New York parish promotes gay porn by Joseph Sciambra “If you don’t believe Catholicism can get you to eternal salvation, then you could say that NO religion will get you to eternal salvation.” - Brother Francis No LGBT movement, you cannot claim Catholic saints were sodomites. “It’s Priests that need […]

today04/14/2018 18


Congratulations Gal Queda: Now Women Objectify THEMSELVES… To Teenage Boys

Mandeville, LA - With special guest Brother André Marie, Mike covers the biggest stories of the day including the ridiculous adult cowering before the "Match For Our Lives" teens. The tragedy of what Gal Queda has done to the family and the women who were its backbone. PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-ALL Membership Levels   Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:16 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the […]

today03/28/2018 132

The Mike Church Show

Despite Talk Radio’s Best Efforts, The Russkies Still Don’t Hate Us

Mandeville, LA - The CRUSADE Channel's European correspondent, Iben Thranholm, checks in 2 days after the Russian elections which she chronicled, LIVE from Moscow and reports "...they don't know why...they just don't understand why the Americans hate them so because the Russians don't hate them". This is the 'Murican propaganda machine's at their best including the war-machine's echo chamber: Talk radio. The KingDude also explains why the frustration of modern […]

today03/20/2018 128


Good News: Katie Perry’s NOT A Demon! Bad News: She’s Still Katie Perry, Virgin Slayer

Mandeville, LA - Benjamin Gates didn't want a kiss from Katie Perry or any other hose beast, he wanted to save his first for his future wife. Enter Katie Perry, Virgin Slayer. The 'Murican State HAS imposed ITS religion on you but you cower in horror from the one-True Religion. Armed with my description of a 'Murican "Conservative Church" service, next time you see this transpire on Fox News and […]

today03/16/2018 90


The Unimportance of Being Hillary – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - Why is Hillary Clinton still bellyaching about how Trump and Putin conspired to deprive the smartest, most success oriented spawn of Satan and Margaret Sanger, ever. Mike reminds the audience "no one thought Trump could win, even on the day of the for your kind, humble host. How did I know? Our Lady told me to stay the course, 'I have this'. Thus Hillary was defeated […]

today03/13/2018 95


When The Creature From The Black Lagoon Makes Porn That Wins Oscars It’s Officially Over

Mandeville, LA - The Oscar went to a movie that featured a woman having sex with the Creature From the Black Lagoon. This is straight up beastiality says Rod Dreher. Mike corrects saying: "This woman is having sex with a demon that has taken on this form. She is actually having a sex with an incubus."  Plus Gary Oldman’s Oscar 2018 Acceptance Speech for Best Actor in Darkest Hour: He thanks America for the […]

today03/06/2018 121


Will Frozen’s Elsa Take The Carmelite Habit Over The LGBTQ P***y Hat?

Mandeville, LA - Mike's Oscars commentary on Gary Oldman's patriotism kicks us off this Monday. The joke that Disney is a "family company" is made real by the demand that Frozen's Elsa be made into a lesbian. Charles Coulombe enjoins CRUSADERS for not being "patriots for the empire" as the much derided Roman Catholics were after Constantine! Mandeville, LA - PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-ALL Membership Levels [purchase_link id="49672" style="button" color="green" text="NON […]

today03/05/2018 18