Reverse Deception: The Irish Potato Famine Revealed, Oliver Cromwell and His Mission of Death Part II
Mandeville, La - The truth about the Potato Famine and Oliver Cromwell's mission of Catholic extermination.
Mandeville, La - The truth about the Potato Famine and Oliver Cromwell's mission of Catholic extermination.
Mandeville, LA - Mike has all the news and incredible revelations on the Trump admin's bombing of Syria including the likelihood that the "chemical weapon attack" was a hoax/false-flag operation. Featuring analysis from Reverse Deception Radio's Gregory Carpenter. Mike also interviews the founder of the Texas Nationalist Movement, Daniel Miller. Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:18 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE […]
Time Red Pill Topic & related stuff 6:14 Welcome on this Wisdom Wednesday 6:17 HEADLINE: LGBT ministry at New York parish promotes gay porn by Joseph Sciambra “If you don’t believe Catholicism can get you to eternal salvation, then you could say that NO religion will get you to eternal salvation.” - Brother Francis No LGBT movement, you cannot claim Catholic saints were sodomites. “It’s Priests that need […]
Mandeville, LA - The Facebook hearings kicked off yesterday and Mike covered them from gavel to gavel and today gives his analysis. "Kabuki, dog and pony show, theater; well-planned in advance and well played by Mark Zuckerberg who appeared he was coached by CBS' Bull! Brother André Marie makes his Wednesday appearance to discuss the problem with young men as mass murderers: the attack on the family, told to Sister […]
Mandeville, La - The History of the Green Mountain boys and the Vermont Constitution.
Mandeville, La - Just when you thought the government had not told you everything, JunkBond reminds you that you are right... PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-ALL Membership Levels
Mandeville, LA - With special guest Brother André Marie, Mike covers the biggest stories of the day including the ridiculous adult cowering before the "Match For Our Lives" teens. The tragedy of what Gal Queda has done to the family and the women who were its backbone. PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-ALL Membership Levels Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:16 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the […]
Mandeville, La - RFK, like his brother was assassinated, but was it really Sirhan Sirhan? [purchase_link id="50015" style="button" color="green" text="Non Member Download" direct="true"] PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-ALL Membership Levels
Mandeville, La - DId you think all that long term medication usage was going to be good for you? What about Big Farma milk? [purchase_link id="49819" style="button" color="green" text="Non Member Download" direct="true"]